The Sunken Tugboat Fine Art Photography - Digital Painting by Mary Lou Chmura

by Mary Lou Chmura
The Sunken Tugboat Fine Art Photography - Digital Painting by Mary Lou Chmura
Mary Lou Chmura
Photograph - Photography
The Sunken Tugboat Original Fine Art Photography and Digital Painting by Mary Lou Chmura
This Fine Art Composition, was taken at Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages, Florida.
For any one who is not familiar with, "The Villages", in Florida. It is an ever expanding active adult retirement, gulf cart community, with a boasting population of over 125,000, with continuous growth.
Many people refer to The Villages as an adult Disneyland. There are approximately, 50 gulf courses, over 100 miles of gulf cart trails, three town squares with live entertainment 365 days a year and over 2,500 clubs for whatever your interest may be.
Within these villages are many scenes and faux props just like Disneyland. This sunken ship is one of those scenes and is located at Lake Sumter Landing, in the villages.
Although, this fine art composition was composed as an original photograph during the creation process I chose to digitally enhance this composition, with digital brushes and painting techniques, giving it the appearance of an oil painting with strokes similar to those used by the famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh.
This Fine Art Original Photograph / Digital Painting will bring a sense of waterscape historic nostalgia with the touch of a lakeside painting, Van Gogh style.
It may be purchased as a poster, framed wall art print, canvas art print, acrylic print, metal prints , tote bags, iPhone cover etc.
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Please Note: The fine art America watermark will not appear on your purchased print.
All photographs and images: copyright ©1998-2019 Mary Lou Chmura – All Rights Reserved.
April 15th, 2019
Comments (22)

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the Features Archive discussion as well as any other discussion in which it would fit.

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
John, Thank you kindly for featuring,"The Sunken Tugboat," in your group, "Images That Excite You. " It is truly an honor!

Laurie Search
That's a very cool old find, and a wonderful composition, Mary Lou!!! Beautiful color, too!!! :)))vf

Shoal Hollingsworth
WOW, this is an amazing find and capture. I love how nature reclaims things like this

Angeles M Pomata
Stunning capture and processing, Mary Lou!! Love the light and the amazing texture of the clouds. L/F