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The Landing Photograph by Mary Lou Chmura

Comments (23)

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

This is a fantastic image, I love it

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Mary Lou, beautiful capture with a wonderful POV and processing. f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Cindy!

Suzanne Luft

Suzanne Luft

Beautiful image and colors!

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Susan!

Eleanor  Bortnick

Eleanor Bortnick

Nice treatment of this scene. L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly, Eleanor~

Geraldine Scull

Geraldine Scull

fantastic HDR, love the colors and the lighting ! l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly, Geraldine!

Iris Gelbart

Iris Gelbart

Beautiful work.......

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly, Iris!

Karen Slagle

Karen Slagle

How beautiful, love this gorgeous image and your processing...f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Karen!

Steve Purnell

Steve Purnell

Lovely work. I love the tones. l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks, Steve!

Marina Kojukhova

Marina Kojukhova

Beautiful work, Mary!! I like the composition and treatment!! L/F/Tw

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Marina!

Deb Halloran

Deb Halloran

Mary Lou, This composition is simply gorgeous with wonderful tones. The detail is fantastic...excellent work of art. Nicely done. v/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Deb!

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Fabulous composition and treatment Mary Lou!...F/L

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Donna!

Alberto  RuiZ

Alberto RuiZ

Very nice!

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much!

Vali Irina Ciobanu

Vali Irina Ciobanu

Beautiful work, Mary Lou!! LF

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you very much!

Bob Christopher

Bob Christopher

Hi Mary...I like your image. A nice location and well photographed....Cheers Bob f/v

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Man thanks, Bob,!

Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick

Beautiful capture and composition! fv

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much, Jim!

David Melville

David Melville

I really must say that this is an excellent image. The composition, colour and treatment is first class Mary.

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

David, Thank you kindly for your kind words, it is greatly appreciated!

Sandi Mikuse

Sandi Mikuse

What beautiful tones and processing, Mary Lou. This has such a romantic feel to it. Lovely art! L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Sandy, So nice to see you. Thank you so very much for your wonderful comments and support.

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Fabulous image and Artwork, Mary....................v./f.

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Beverly, thank you so very much!

Ann Horn

Ann Horn

Your composition and processing makes for a lovely work of art, Mary Lou. f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Ann, thanks so much. It's nice to see you!

Marvin Spates

Marvin Spates

So very well done Mary Lou!! Very lovely work of art!! L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Marvin, Thank you kindly!

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The Landing by Mary Lou Chmura
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