Small Wonders

by Mary Lou Chmura
Small Wonders
Mary Lou Chmura
Photograph - Digital Art Photography
This is a photographic composition of two images sculpted together.
August 11th, 2013
Comments (68)

Linaji Creating
I would LOVE to Invite you to my new group: All Genre of Photography…. I so enjoy your work and appreciate you! Here is the link: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/all-genre-of-photography-.html?tab=overview Hope to see you soon!

Karen Slagle
This beautiful image is so well done I would never have guessed it was a composite...Love this. f/l

Kim Tran
Aww...I wonder what she had found, I feel like this little girl when I'm in the garden with my camera, nature is beautiful even in simplest form. Wonderful work Mary! l/f
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
Thank so much, Kim, I still remember this little girl and I had the very same thought.

Chrystyne Novack
Love this composite scene that perfectly captures the childhood days of walking along by the shore and the simple joy of discovery. This little girl has found something wonderful - is it a shell, a bit of smooth beach glass, a colorful pebble? Whatever it maybe it, it makes me recall the carefree days of youth and the joy of finding a small treasure. L/F
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
Thank you Chrystne for leaving such a wonderful comment, so glad you could identify.

Nina Silver
What a delightful image, Mary Lou. Such a tender look at the curiosity of the child. Great 'sculpting'. L/F