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The Forest of Ferns Photograph by Mary Lou Chmura

Comments (22)

Geraldine Scull

Geraldine Scull

Fantastic greenery, love the composition of these ferns ! l/f

Ann Horn

Ann Horn

Love the 'carpet of ferns and the canopy of green leaves to match, Mary Lou. f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Ann!

Asbed Iskedjian

Asbed Iskedjian

Beautiful foliage with the green color tones Mary Lou. Likes + Favorites.

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Asbed!

Kim Tran

Kim Tran

So green fresh and beautiful, love it! wonderful capture Mary! l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Kim!

Hanne Lore Koehler

Hanne Lore Koehler

Gorgeous capture of this lush green forest of ferns, Mary Lou! L/F/T/G+

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much, Hanne, greatly appreciated!

Geraldine Scull

Geraldine Scull

you composed this very well, I see fern all over but never thought to try to compose, you did a great job of it ! l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much for all your kind words, Gearaldine!

Daniel Gomez

Daniel Gomez

This is absolutely Wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Daniel, greatl appreciated!!!

Laurie Search

Laurie Search

Oooh, so lush and gorgeous, Mary Lou!!!! :)))vf

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Laurie!

Connie Handscomb

Connie Handscomb

My favorite colour, Mary Lou ... thank you so much for this beauty! ... & yes, I love ferns very much, too :))

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Connie, thank so very much for all your kind words and support; it is greatly appreciated!

Deb Halloran

Deb Halloran

Mary Lou, What a beautiful forest scene...I love all the different shades of green. Nicely done. v/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so very much!

Veikko Suikkanen

Veikko Suikkanen

Wonderful green forest! Well done Mary! L

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly!

Gene Walls

Gene Walls

Very beautiful forest scene. Well done! l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks again, Gene, greatly appreciated!

Karen Adams

Karen Adams

Really beautiful work!....vf

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Karen.

Nick  Boren

Nick Boren

I love the lush greens in this one Mary Lou... :-) FV

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much, Nick.

Celestial Images

Celestial Images

stunning masterpiece. loved it . l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks!

Ann Horn

Ann Horn

What lush and lovely greenery, Mary Lou! Absolutely gorgeous! f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Ann, Thank you so very much!

Alan L Graham

Alan L Graham

Beautiful lush green woodland scene! L&F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Alan, so nice to see you, thank you!

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The Forest of Ferns by Mary Lou Chmura
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