The Magical Bond

by Mary Lou Chmura
The Magical Bond
Mary Lou Chmura
Digital Art - Digital Art / Photography
The Magical Bond Digital Fine Art Photography by Mary Lou Chmura
While photographing this mother, giraffe bonding with her newborn calf. I found myself emotionally and mentally recalling feelings that I had experienced in the past while bonding with my newborn babies.
My vision behind this digital fine art composition was to bring to light the heartwarming love and affectionate gestures displayed between this mother giraffe and her newborn calf.
I like many other mothers that have experienced the bonding process; know first hand that there is something so magically alluring within this process.
The loving, affectionate gestures displayed in this photograph speak to the emotional feelings felt. However, I wanted to create an overall sense of the stillness, the beauty, the peace and most of all the magical sense that accompanies the bonding process.
Thus, the creation of my digital fine art composition, "The Magical Bond," was born.
Please Note: The fine art America watermark will not appear on your purchased print.
All photographs and images: copyright ©1998-2019 Mary Lou Chmura - All
Rights Reserved.
Images That Excite You
Out Of," The Ordinary 1 A Day"
May 8th, 2017
Comments (26)

Connie Handscomb
I’m revisiting — but I think I’m seeing this differently than before, a level deeper. The giraffes caught my eye {love them} , the waterfalls, too {love them} — this time, the clarity of the image penetrated more deeply. And that, I think, is what it’s meant to do. Which means, Mary Lou, you are brilliant! Your artistry is sensitive, thoughtful & profound, & definitely worth paying attention to. Thank you for being the wonderful person that you are & gifting us with your exquisite artistry ;)
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
Connie, You are so kind, I love that you were seeing this image differently this time. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, it is greatly appreciated.

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured in the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! 6/12/17
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
Thank you so very much for this wonderful honor. I am so very grateful to have, " The Magical Bond featured in the, "Out Of," The Ordinary 1 A Day" group!

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Mary Lou Chmura replied:
Thank you kindly for the feature, John, it is an honor to have my image, "The Magical Bond,' featured in your group, "Images That Excite You."

Karen Adams
First word that flew into my mind when I looked at this was; "Magical!" (then I saw the title!) Just a scene of pure love . . . from a wonderful land of dreams and joy!.....vf

Hanne Lore Koehler
Magnificent digital fantasy creation, Mary Lou! Beautiful imaginative setting and composition! L/F

Connie Handscomb
Truly amazing, this is Magical, Mary Lou! Your galleries display your wonderful talent, so many impressive artworks!;))