The American Beautyberry

by Mary Lou Chmura
The American Beautyberry
Mary Lou Chmura
Photograph - Photography
The American Beautyberry Fine Art Nature Photography by Mary Lou Chmura
The American Beautyberry is an amazing deciduous, low maintenance perennial. It may be grown as a shrub, tree or even in a container. It is a fast growing and hardy plant that is easy to grow.
This plant produces small clusters of pink and white fragrant flowers which usually blossomi n the summer month of July.
What I found to be even more magnificent than the delicate flowers in July, was the bright, vibrant iridescent clusters of purple berries that come to life in the fall months beginning in September and continuing to blossom right through to the end of November.
The leaves of the American Beautyberry are known to act as a natural repellent for mosquitoes, tics and other small insects as well as a variety of medicinal purposes.
To use as a natural repellent, all you need to do is crush the leaves and rub them on your body.
The various other parts of this most amazing plant have been known to be used by the Native American tribes for medicinal purposes to treat fevers, colic and malaria.
These beautiful berries are edible and are known to attract many wildlife from white tailed deer to many songbirds. They are also used in jellies and some wines.
So if you are ever looking for a gorgeous plant with so many purposes consider, The American Beautyberry which will enhance your landscape from summer through fall.
It was in the late fall that I stumbled upon these gorgeous purple berries. It was one of those moments that stopped me dead in my tracks
It was the time of year where everything was done blooming and drying up; so I thought. I was not expecting to see something so vibrantly beautiful
I loved the dried up crispy leaves, that were intermingled amonst these beautiful full of life, thriving berries.
It reminded me of the beauty, inherently found in the stages of life.
This Fine Art Photography Print will bring a sense of divine beauty, elegance and love of nature to any room.
It may be purchased as a poster, framed wall art print, canvas art print, acrylic print, metal prints , tote bags, iPhone cover etc.
Please Note: The fine art America watermark will not appear on your purchased print.
All photographs and images: copyright ©1998-2019 Mary Lou Chmura – All Rights Reserved.
May 6th, 2019
Comments (29)

Connie Handscomb
Oh! This is so lovely, Mary Ann ! Beautiful tones — softness that is so, so appealing! I love these berries, & you’ve give them a special unique elegance in your artwork;)🍃

Kim Tran
Beautifully captured Mary Lou, love these gorgeous berries, they're so pretty and grapes like! l/f