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Serenity In The Marshes Photograph by Mary Lou Chmura

Comments (19)

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

Amazing in-flight bird image here Mary Lou

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Shoal!

Angeles M Pomata

Angeles M Pomata

Amazing capture, Mary Lou!! Fantastic timing and composition with a masterful DOF. L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Angeles!

Karen Slagle

Karen Slagle

What a great capture, love this. f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Karen!

Connie Handscomb

Connie Handscomb

To catch this bird in flight as you have is lovely, Mary Lou .. the bokeh background is so pretty & yes, serene .. :))

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Connie!

Mary Lou Chmura

Mary Lou Chmura

Lilia, Heartfelt thanks for featuring, "Serenity In The Marshes," in your, "Fine Nature Photography Group." It is truly an honor to be featured in this group.

Chris Flees

Chris Flees

great capture Mary Lou.....l/f/shared

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you, Chris!

Geraldine Scull

Geraldine Scull

Fantastic capture of this grackle in flight ~ l/f

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Geraldine!

Michel Verhoef

Michel Verhoef

Lovely in flight shot with a very nice low DOF !

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly, Michael!

Kate Brown

Kate Brown

Super capture, great shallow DOF! LF

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Kate!

Marcia Colelli

Marcia Colelli

Very nice flight capture with nice bokeh. F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you kindly, Marcia!

Asbed Iskedjian

Asbed Iskedjian

Great in-flight shot of the grackle, Mary Lou, love the panorama framing you give with showing a goof part of the background.

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Asbed, for all your kihd words!

Nick  Boren

Nick Boren

Sensational shot... and wonderful timing Mary Lou... :-) FV

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so very much, Nick!

Karen Slagle

Karen Slagle

What a gorgeous capture, Mary Lou. Love how you caught this guy in flight...Your gallery is beautiful and I will look more. f/l

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thanks so much, Karen!

Laurie Search

Laurie Search

Aww, this is so beautiful, Mary Lou!! Fantastic catch of the bird in flight!!! :)))vf

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Thank you so very much, Laurie!

Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick

Awesome capture and composition! fv

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Many thanks, Jim!

Sandi Mikuse

Sandi Mikuse

Wow...not an easy shot and you did it beautifully Mary Lou! Well done! L/F

Mary Lou Chmura replied:

Sandi, Thanks so much, it's always nice to see you!

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Serenity In The Marshes by Mary Lou Chmura
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