Oneness In The Moment

by Mary Lou Chmura
Oneness In The Moment
Mary Lou Chmura
Photograph - Photography
Oneness In The Moment
Affectionate displays of courtship behaviors between this elegant pair of mute swans was an awe inspiring moment.
The oneness that I so often experience in the magical throes of nature can be overwhelmingly beautiful in moments like this.
In the rawness of this powerful moving experience, my heart has a tendency to feel as though it is being ripped wide open.
This overwhelming expansiveness where energies merge into spacious presence is hard to put into words. The illusion of separateness falls wayside and dissolves, melding into the natural oneness of consciousness.
Sharing the sacredness and beauty of this magnificent formless essence of the universe, in its purest form; where love is love and has on bounds.
One of the most profound gifts that nature has to offer is the realization that we are all part of something larger than ourselves.
March 18th, 2021