Nature's Gift

by Mary Lou Chmura
Nature's Gift
Mary Lou Chmura
Photograph - Photography
Nature's Gift Nature and Wildlife Fine Art Photography by Mary Lou Chmura
Over the past couple of days I have had the pleasure of following a gaggle of geese.at the Stebbins Wildlife Preserve in East Longmeadow, MA.
In particular I was observing a pair of Canadian Geese and their twelve little goslings.
These little guys were so adorably sweet.
What occurred to me while observing these little gislings was the range of feelings that they experience in the course of a couple of hours.
Like children, their feelings became quite obvious while watching their expressions of behaviors.
From their silly little waddles when they start to run, to rolling over, flapping their little wings and tucking in next to their siblings for a little shut eye; to intense awareness and adrenaline filled quick responses when the goose or gander signals danger is approaching.
In a moments notice their bodies go from being cuddly and flexible to stiff and strong.
With wide open eyes their senses become fully engaged and they are ready to flee.
After days of observing the expressions and behaviors, it occurred to me why these little guys get tuckered out so easily.
Like humans who encounter a threat we are thrown into a state of heightened awareness, nature takes it's course and the fight and flight response ensues.
Once the danger is over, and the threat which triggered the response, no longer exists; the mind and body relax, returning to a state of calm; although, oftentimes exhausted.
Ironically, after observing and being entertained by this gaggle of geese.
I was quickly alerted to a stranger observing me from behind, words were exchanged and my gut instinct kicked in.
I was suddenly reminded of my isolation, out in the middle of this often desolate wildlife preserve and I knew in that moment, I could be in danger.
My fight and flight response fully engaged and through my inner guidance and quick impulses I was able to get back to my car for protection
An invaluable, natural instinct designed to protect and keep one safe whenever a threat to existence is encountered.
It is survival at it's best!
With that understanding, I chose to call this, 'Nature's Gift" and feel blessed by all of the natural reminders and invaluable lessons that nature sends my way.
This nature and wildlife fine art composition, 'Nature's Gift" will bring a sense of love, warmth, renewal and protection to any room.
It may be purchased as a poster, framed wall art print, canvas art print, acrylic print, metal prints , tote bags, iPhone cover etc.
Please Note: The fine art America watermark will not appear on your purchased print.
All photographs and images: copyright ©1998-2019 Mary Lou Chmura - All Rights Reserved.
May 27th, 2019
Comments (23)

Bonnie Mason
Great capture....love how the light emphasizes the open-eyed sweet fluffy one on the right...LF

Asbed Iskedjian
Great shot at the level of the subjects, full of tenderness scenery Mary Lou. Likes + Favorites.