Be sure not to miss this introductory offer to my most recent Fine Art Composition, " In The Stillness Of The Morn."
This Fine Art Composition is being offered at a reduced price for 5 days only. Don't miss this fantastic savings. Click on the highlighted link above for more information.
In this Fine Art Composition, “In The Stillness Of The Morn,” it was the alluring stillness of the moment that captured my full attention.
The dawns early light casting its harmonious glow on the weathered buildings with the still like reflections in the water below was the Universes's way of bringing synchronicity into to my being and igniting that spark to my creative vision.
Exhaling and taking it all in, I knew I was home; from this point on I was in my beingness, connected to the stillness and the oneness of the Universe's rhythm of life. This familiar place of stillness has deep roots, within my being. It happens to be my favorite place to be.
Our natural state of being is what I refer to as, “Grace In The Moment.”
This fine art composition, “In The Stillness Of The Morn,” was taken at Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages, Florida.
It was one of those moments where I felt deeply connected and in sync with the Universe's natural rhythm of life.
This Fine Art Photography Print will bring a sense of alluring stillness and grace to any room. .The special promotion being offered is for a 36 x 24 Canvas Art Print.
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Note: All rights reserved. © 1998-2019 Mary Lou Chmura; No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the author.
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